A revolutionary scientific newsletter for free thinkers and freedom lovers. If you still have the desire to think for yourself and get straightforward scientific information from a credible source, read ahead to join the select few that will escape the clutches of big pharma and junk science
What if I told you that something you can't see with the naked eye destroyed scientific credibility and brought the globe to its knees in 2 years?
Would you believe me?
You should because that is exactly what happened beginning in late 2019. All caused by a novel virus that supposedly came from a fruit bat at a market in Wuhan, China. At first, no one paid attention. It's in China after all.
How much do we really know about what's going on over there?
As tight-lipped as the Chinese government tends to be, not much. As you approached December 2019, things began to change.
*Viral videos of whooping coughs making people pass out in broad daylight.
*An increasing number of people going to the hospital for what appeared to be flu-like symptoms, but no positive testing for the flu.
*People start to die.
Panic Spreads.
Fear Sets in.
Everyone is encouraged to quarantine and wear masks as a brand new airborne virus is here to change life as you know it currently.
Covid-19 is what it was dubbed.
A coronavirus causing Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome, AKA SARS-CoV 2. China had already seen this song and dance before in 2003 with the original SARS outbreak. You would think that they would have been uniquely prepared for this threat since they had already seen it once.
This time was different. This time, the unknown about this virus was intentionally used to spread panic and discord across the world to force you to accept what the World Economic Forum calls "The Great Reset."
And reset it did.
It reset your way of life.
It reset your comfort.
It reset your priorities.
It reset everything you thought you ever knew about science.
And it was not done for your benefit.
You see, the “Plannedemic” was a war on your scientific consciousness. Everything you thought you knew about science and how viruses work was erased and replaced with a new wave of dogma from the powers that be.
Propaganda was pushed by the news nightly to make you afraid to go outside.
Make you afraid to be around your neighbor.
Make you afraid to be around your own family.
You were betrayed by the news for the benefit of vaccine makers.
Trusted scientific figures from all walks of life told you that you must take this pandemic seriously.
*You must socially distance.
*You must double and triple mask in your car.
*You must wash your hands five thousand times a day.
*You must deny yourself the freedom to go where you please.
*You must shove your children into another room in your house, completely isolated from you as you hear them wailing in pain to be close to you.
And when the time comes, you must get vaccinated.
You must "trust the science."
Why? Because several companies have their brightest and best minds racing for a cure to this microscopic menace that has completely stopped life for you. It was a team effort across the globe for the cure, and in the end, one company stood above them all.
It is for the greater good after all.
What? You don't trust the science? Are you some kind of dummy that thinks the pharma industry is out to get you? Pshhh.
The Tuskegee Experiments were nothing more than a routine survey.
Doctors simply borrowed Henrietta Lacks's cells to come up with new therapeutics raking in billions of dollars that her family never saw.
Chemotherapy is a necessary evil since there's no other way to beat cancer.
Anything you think is wrong if it doesn't match the science they want you to trust.
This company abused its influence and used its money to strong-arm you into taking not only a rushed vaccine but a vaccine that isn't even a real vaccine. They even had to change the definition of a vaccine to include this new mRNA technology that is nothing like conventional vaccines you took.
Do you remember when you took a vaccine once and you never had to take another shot for that disease again? If you did have to take another one, it was years later.
Now with these new mRNA vaccines, you must take them multiple times a year.
This company really wanted you to take a "99% effective" therapeutic created in less than a year when the average vaccine takes 5-7 years to develop and test properly.
Right then, you should have known that something was horribly wrong. And some did.
Most didn't, and they blindly put their trust in the people with the degrees.
The people with years of expertise.
The people with awards, grants, and tons of credibility.
After all, why would they lie to you knowing how "deadly" this virus is? Scientists are here to help you after all. They are here to make your life easier even though you don't know what they do and they make no real effort to explain it to you.
Scientists are gods after all.
They can do no wrong.
They've gone to school longer than you.
They are smarter than you.
Why wouldn't you believe someone like that?
Because just like you, they are human. They actually can make mistakes, and support for this vaccine was a major one. Demonizing and discrediting their colleagues that knew something was wrong was another major mistake.
However, instead of walking it back and admitting it, they doubled down on the covid clown show.
First, they told you to get vaccinated to stop the spread of the virus. The vaccines are 100% effective at stopping the spread. If you don't get the vaccine, you're putting everyone at risk.
Slowly but surely, you found out that was a lie.
A lie repeated daily on the nightly news.
A lie repeated daily on social media.
A lie that ripped families apart, and destroyed lifelong friendships and business associations, maybe even some of yours.
After the lies became too blatant, they told you that the vaccines just made your symptoms less severe. You won't die if you get the vaccine. When they just said that the virus stops with the vaccinated.
The funny thing is that you were never likely to die if you got covid anyway.
To make matters worse, the vaccines created more infectious strains. This was known of leaky vaccines, which the covid vaccine is. Since leaky vaccines do not fully kill what they are trying to protect you against, the virus adapted to be vaccine resistant.
In other words, the use of the vaccine made it less effective, just like antibiotics. Again, this data was known. It is basic microbiology.
Instead of acknowledging this and making the public aware, they lied and said it was a pandemic of the unvaccinated now. The unvaccinated, whose immune systems can completely kill the virus and actually stop the spread, are the issue now.
Then they said undiagnosed AIDS patients were driving the variants. How is someone so immunocompromised as an AIDS patient able to fight off the big bad covid long enough that it mutates when all you heard was how deadly it was to everyone? Surely an AIDS patient wouldn't stand a chance. How are they driving variant evolution?
More lies to force you to take this "vaccine" that has no long or short-term safety data.
Then in the midst of all this, the lies perpetrated by the establishment made it possible for vaccine mandates to be enforced.
You found out quickly people really don't believe in "My Body, My Choice."
Imagine losing the home you worked all your life for because you didn't trust what was going on.
Imagine losing a job that you've poured your blood, sweat, and tears into because you dared to say "something is wrong with this."
Even worse still, imagine you had no other option than to take this experimental drug that they said was safe and effective only to see scores of previously hidden data saying the exact opposite.
Then, weird side effects ranging from facial paralysis to blood clots to death start popping up.
And the kicker…the vaccines were not effective at all.
The cherry on top? These companies have immunity from any kind of trouble they would otherwise be in for flat-out lying and putting you at risk.
If they're so confident that their product does what it is supposed to do, why do they have immunity from any kind of legal trouble should their product murder or maim you?
All of this for what we now know is nothing more than a seasonal flu.
A seasonal flu put the international supply train in gridlock worse than LA rush hour.
A seasonal flu gave countries the keys to print money for free and make you deal with roaring inflation.
A seasonal flu developmentally delayed children in school so badly that teachers say their students are at least two years behind intellectually.
A seasonal flu put general anxiety and fear in you that makes you feel disconnected from all that makes you human
You deserve to know when there are scientific dangers out there.
You deserve to know what those real dangers are.
You deserve to get your info from an unbiased source that truly has your best interest at heart.
You deserve to know when you shouldn't "trust the science."
And that is why you are here.
Welcome to the High So-sciency Newsletter
If you would like to get started combating the lies perpetrated by big pharma, scroll to the bottom of this page and click Buy Now!
This newsletter is here to give you the inside scoop on the hidden and not so hidden scientific problems that affect you the most. Every month, you will discover a new or existing problem and I will give you the tools to avoid these dangers in your own life so that you can guarantee the scientific safety of you and the ones you love.
Why should you join this list?
*I have 10+ years of practical research experience at the interface of chemistry and biology. I have a unique skill set that allows me to look at problems deeper than the average scientist and give a fair opinion based on data and known principles
*I have a Ph.D. in chemistry and have a deep understanding of many of the molecules that affect your life the most.
*I accurately called many of the things that would happen during the pandemic, often several months ahead of social and news media
*I was completely transparent throughout the whole pandemic: writing threads to help you protect yourself, breaking down important articles and new findings on Covid-19, and bringing real alternative strategies that have successfully helped hundreds of people keep themselves and the ones they love safe
*I have no competing financial interests or obligations that could skew my objectivity. I am simply a college professor that wants to help you be more scientifically literate so you can feel like you're in more control of your scientific life
This newsletter will be released on the 7th of every month. Inside these monthly newsletters you'll find:
*Important information about the selected topic for the month including a rigorous scientific breakdown backed by peer-reviewed research papers
*The papers used to discuss this topic free of charge so that you may come to your own conclusions about the data and have a quick point of reference
*Simple and unique steps to help you benefit from the problem or avoid the effects
*Exclusive product recommendations to solve specific scientific problems
On newsletter signup, as a special thank you with the first newsletter, enjoy the following
Bonus: Aquarian Insights Webinar
This hour and 15 minute webinar gives you a behind-the-scenes look at how I research things. I give you all my best tips for finding peer-reviewed research papers, breaking these topics down, and finding important scientific information on the internet. I welcome you to steal my exact research methods that earned me my PhD as well as helped me become conspiracy theorist of the decade.
In the webinar you'll learn:
*Disgusting Reasons Why Liberalism, Clout Chasing, and Multinational Corporations are the biggest sources of fake news in Academia
*The Only Source of Russian Collusion That Can Get You Drunk on Power for Free
*Why Your God-Given Common Sense is Better Than Peer Review
*How to Force Google Scholar to Give You Taboo Info
*Why Narrowing Your Search Topics is Be-Aye-Dee for Finding What You Want
*The Secret 2 Word Tag That You Can Use At the End of Any Search to Find Scientific Articles First
*My Unbiased Opinion on Controversial Topics Like Vaccines and Fluoride Poisoning
*The 5 Piece Combo to Use to Give Hit Pieces a Murderous Beatdown
*Why Your Mind is The Single Most Important Warzone on the Planet
*The Very Special Thing That the National Institute of Health Does to Keep You Informed
I used to sell this webinar standalone, but it has been discontinued for a while now. Signing up here is the last way you can get your paws on it.
Bonus: Submit a Newsletter topic
I typically produce content way ahead of time, but often there will be topics that come up that are important that I may miss. This could include something current, something known but misrepresented, or something old that needs to be re-examined. If you think you've found something of value for the rest of the newsletter subscribers, you will be able to submit a topic for discussion in a newsletter. If you make a compelling argument, your topic will be included in the newsletter rotation.
Bonus: Private bi-weekly Q+A sessions
Sometimes even if you understand exactly what you have in front of you, it is still nice to have an expert to bounce ideas off. That's why I will also be doing bi-weekly video Q+A sessions so that you may discuss the content of these newsletters directly with me and have your burning questions answered. This will also allow you to gain a deeper understanding of the problem and how it relates to other aspects of society and your life.
If you're ready to get your scientific freedom back, scroll to the bottom and click Buy Now!
Today is a new day in making science work for you.
Gone are the days when you hear scientific news and your eyes glaze over
Gone are the days when you blindly trust the talking heads on the tv because you don't know what to ask
This list is here to empower you to take your scientific literacy into your own hands. The establishment has shown you that you cannot trust it.
Science, as it stands right now, is irrevocably broken. Two years of lies, smoke, mirrors and bogus lockdowns have shifted the burden of proof from the establishment to you.
If you want to understand science on a deep, practical level that will keep you and your loved ones safely ahead of the curve, you will have to do the work yourself.
I am here to help you do that work so that you can trust that you truly understand what you are reading and hearing. Science is a revolutionary part of your world and you deserve to be confident in your understanding of it. To begin this journey of scientific sovereignty, click Buy Now!
You can't afford to wait.
Look at how much has already been stolen from you. If you caught a thief in your house, would you continue to let them steal from you or would you handle it instantly?
You have to treat this the same way.
If you're serious about your scientific freedom, you have to understand that these people are not going to stop. They are drunk with power and want to get filthy rich by making sure you are a lifelong customer.
They want to make sure that everything that they say is gospel. Without resistance, your freedom and liberty dies.
This was simply a test run. Now that they know they can make you scared enough to ask for lockdowns, ask for vaccine mandates, ask for mask mandates, Pandora's Box has been opened and you simply cannot stuff that evil back inside.
You have to learn how to counter it.
You have to learn how to get ahead of it.
You have to learn how to get out of it if you're in the middle of it.
That is the point of this newsletter.
They have already come for your children. School closures and masks have stunted the growth of your most vulnerable.
They have already come for entertainers. How many more talking heads will they parade in front of you simply because they are popular? These people do not have your best interest at heart. They are paid actors reading from a script created by the big pharma overlords that want to enslave you.
And they have already come for you. Forced lockdowns ruined many of your families and people you know. Vaccine mandates forced you to make an impossible choice, risk your ability to provide for your family, or be jabbed with an experimental poison that doesn't even work.
The longer you wait to understand this information and become scientifically literate, the more you put yourself and the ones you love in harm's way.
You cannot go back and change what happened over the past two years, but you can make sure it never happens to you or someone you love again.
You can protect yourself and your loved ones with this knowledge.
To get started, click Buy Now!
Disclaimer - By Clicking Buy Now!, you understand there are no refunds on this purchase. You understand that all information in The High So-sciency Newsletter whether written, audio, or video is for informational and entertainment purposes only. The High So-sciency Newsletter and the information contained within is not intended to provide specific legal, financial, tax, physical or mental health advice, or any other advice whatsoever to you, any other individual or company, and should not be relied upon in that regard. Any products or services described in The High So-sciency Newsletter are only offered in jurisdictions where they may be legally offered. Information provided in is not all-inclusive, is limited to information that is made available, and such information should not be relied upon as all-inclusive or accurate.